E76: re:joinder - Lose Bigly: Scott Adams Explains Business, Politics, and Persuasion Alex HelbergDecember 15, 2022
E74: Jordan Peele and the Speculative Fiction of Blackness (w/ Dr. andré carrington) Alex HelbergOctober 28, 2022
E72: Tenant Organizing and the Cult of Property Values (w/ Luke Melonakos-Harrison) Alex HelbergSeptember 13, 2022
E70: We hold these Truths & Replies to be self-evident: What is Truth Social? Alex HelbergJuly 28, 2022
E68: How can podcasting help us re:engage with social justice (inside and outside the academy)? // 2022 Computers & Writing Conference Special Episode Alex HelbergMay 2, 2022
E65: I The People: Conservative Populist Rhetorics (w/ Dr. Paul Elliott Johnson) Alex HelbergFebruary 14, 2022
E64: "Rationality" Bites - Steven Pinker's Disciplinary Drift (w/ Dr. Nathan Pensky) Alex HelbergJanuary 20, 2022